
definition: out of fashion
example: a suit of rather antique appearance
speech part: adjective
synonyms: demode ex old-fashioned old-hat outmoded passe passee
definition: belonging to or lasting from times long ago
speech part: adjective
synonyms: age-old
definition: made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age
example: the beautiful antique French furniture
speech part: adjective
definition: any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity
speech part: noun
definition: an elderly man
speech part: noun
synonyms: gaffer old-timer oldtimer old geezer
definition: to give an antique appearance to
example: I antiqued the furniture to increase its value.
speech part: verb
synonyms: antiquate
definition: to shop for antiques
example: The couple went antiquing since they disliked new household decorations.
speech part: verb

antique is explained and pronounced

How antique is being used?