
definition: it would be sensible
example: you'd best stay at home
speech part: adverb
definition: in a most excellent way or manner
example: The band played best after a couple of martinis.
speech part: adverb
definition: from a position of superiority or authority
example: father knows best
speech part: adverb
synonyms: better
definition: (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities
example: the best film of the year
speech part: adjective
definition: the supreme effort one can make
example: they did their best
speech part: noun
definition: the person who is most outstanding or excellent
speech part: noun
synonyms: topper
definition: to get the better of
example: The goal was to best the competition.
speech part: verb
synonyms: trump scoop outdo outflank
definition: (comparative and superlative of `well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable
speech part: adjective
synonyms: better

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