
definition: unable or unwilling to perceive or understand
example: I was blind to my lover's faults.
speech part: adjective
definition: not based on reason or evidence
example: They acted out of blind hatred, without any reasonable motivation.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: unreasoning
definition: unable to see
example: I was born blind, but since then I've been able to adjust and live an extremely happy life.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: unsighted
definition: a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight
example: They had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet.
speech part: noun
synonyms: screen
definition: a hiding place sometimes used by hunters, especially duck hunters
example: They waited impatiently in the blind from sunrise to lunch.
speech part: noun
definition: something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
speech part: noun
synonyms: subterfuge
definition: people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group
example: I spent hours reading to the blind.
speech part: noun
definition: to make dim by comparison or conceal
example: Darkness blinds the sky.
speech part: verb
synonyms: dim
definition: to make blind by putting the eyes out
example: The criminals were punished and blinded.
speech part: verb
definition: to render unable to see
example: The flash of light will blind those looking directly at it.
speech part: verb

How blind is being used?