
definition: physical object consisting of a number of pages bound together
example: We used a large book as a doorstop.
speech part: noun
synonyms: volume
definition: a number of sheets such as tickets or stamps bound together on one edge
example: They bought a book of stamps.
speech part: noun
definition: a major division of a long written composition
example: The minister read from the book of Isaiah.
speech part: noun
definition: a written work or composition that has been published in the form of pages bound together
example: I am reading a good book on economics.
speech part: noun
definition: a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone
example: I made sure to read the book on my business rival before the meeting.
speech part: noun
synonyms: record
definition: a written version of a play or other dramatic composition
example: The actors were given their books before the first rehearsal.
speech part: noun
synonyms: script playscript
definition: a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made
example: They run things by the book around here.
speech part: noun
synonyms: rule book
definition: a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game
example: They drew cards to make up a book while playing canasta.
speech part: noun
definition: a record in which commercial accounts are recorded
example: They got a subpoena to examine our books.
speech part: noun
synonyms: ledger leger account book book of account
definition: to engage for a performance
example: The singer's agent had booked several concerts in Tokyo.
speech part: verb
definition: to record a charge in a police register
example: The police booked them for illegal gambling.
speech part: verb
definition: to arrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance
example: My assistant booked my flights.
speech part: verb
synonyms: hold
definition: to register in a hotel booker
example: We always prefer to book our rooms online.
speech part: verb

How book is being used?