
definition: something believed to bring good luck
example: They carried a rabbit's foot as a charm.
speech part: noun
synonyms: good luck charm
definition: attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
example: My date has a great deal of charm.
speech part: noun
synonyms: appeal
definition: in physics, one of the six flavors of quark
speech part: noun
synonyms: strangeness
definition: a verbal formula believed to have magical force
example: I recited a charm to give me luck.
speech part: noun
synonyms: spell magic spell magical spell
definition: to induce into action by using one's charm
example: They charmed me into giving all my money.
speech part: verb
synonyms: influence
definition: to protect through supernatural powers or charms
speech part: verb
definition: to attract
example: They charmed me over dinner.
speech part: verb
synonyms: entrance
definition: to control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
example: They charmed me with a strange incantation.
speech part: verb
synonyms: becharm

How charm is being used?