
definition: a strand or cluster of hair
speech part: noun
synonyms: lock
definition: a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
speech part: noun
synonyms: whorl
definition: to form a curl, curve, or kink
example: The cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling.
speech part: verb
synonyms: curve
definition: to play the Scottish game of curling
example: In preparation for the Winter Olympics, the team curled non-stop.
speech part: verb
definition: to twist or roll into coils or ringlets
example: curl my hair, please
speech part: verb
synonyms: wave
definition: to wind around something in coils or loops
speech part: verb
synonyms: loop
definition: to shape one's body into a curl
example: They curled farther down under the covers.
speech part: verb
synonyms: draw in curl up

How curl is being used?