
definition: (film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next
speech part: noun
definition: declare void
example: The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections
speech part: verb
synonyms: dismiss
definition: come to an end
example: Their marriage dissolved
speech part: verb
definition: bring the association of to an end or cause to break up
example: The decree officially dissolved the marriage
speech part: verb
synonyms: break up
definition: become or cause to become soft or liquid
speech part: verb
synonyms: thaw melt unfreeze unthaw dethaw
definition: pass into a solution
example: The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee
speech part: verb
definition: cause to go into a solution
example: The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water
speech part: verb
synonyms: resolve
definition: become weaker
speech part: verb
synonyms: weaken fade out fade away
definition: cause to fade away
example: dissolve a shot or a picture
speech part: verb
definition: lose control emotionally
example: I dissolved into tears when i heard that my friend had lost all their savings in a pyramid scheme.
speech part: verb
definition: cause to lose control emotionally
example: The news dissolved them into tears.
speech part: verb
definition: stop functioning or cohering as a unit
example: The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting
speech part: verb
synonyms: disband

How dissolve is being used?