
definition: (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes
example: a dress dinner
speech part: adjective
synonyms: full-dress
definition: suitable for formal occasions
speech part: adjective
synonyms: full-dress
definition: clothing in general
speech part: noun
synonyms: apparel wearing apparel clothes
definition: clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
speech part: noun
synonyms: garb attire
definition: a one-piece garment for a woman
speech part: noun
synonyms: frock
definition: arrange attractively
example: dress my hair for the wedding
speech part: verb
synonyms: set coif coiffure do arrange coiffe
definition: dress or groom with elaborate care
example: I likes to dress when going to the opera.
speech part: verb
synonyms: plume
definition: to attire with clothing in a certain manner
example: They dress in the latest Paris fashion.
speech part: verb
synonyms: dress up
definition: give a neat appearance to
speech part: verb
synonyms: curry groom
definition: put on clothes
example: we had to dress quickly
speech part: verb
synonyms: get dressed
definition: provide with clothes or put clothes on
example: Parents must feed and dress their child
speech part: verb
synonyms: apparel
definition: apply a bandage or medication to
example: dress the victim's wounds
speech part: verb
definition: convert into leather
example: dress the tanned skins
speech part: verb
definition: kill and prepare for market or consumption
example: dress a turkey
speech part: verb
synonyms: dress out
definition: cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width
speech part: verb
definition: put a finish on
example: dress the surface smooth
speech part: verb
definition: cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of
example: dress the plants in the garden
speech part: verb
synonyms: clip
definition: put a dressing on
example: dress the salads
speech part: verb
definition: provide with decoration
example: dress the windows
speech part: verb
synonyms: decorate
definition: decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
speech part: verb
synonyms: trim
definition: arrange in ranks
example: dress troops
speech part: verb
synonyms: line up

How dress is being used?