
definition: lessen pain or discomfort
speech part: verb
synonyms: comfort
definition: make easier
speech part: verb
synonyms: alleviate facilitate
definition: lessen the intensity of or calm
example: The news eased my conscience
speech part: verb
synonyms: still relieve allay
definition: move gently or carefully
example: I eased myself into the chair.
speech part: verb
definition: freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
speech part: noun
synonyms: relaxation
definition: freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort
example: They rose through the ranks with apparent ease.
speech part: noun
synonyms: easiness simplicity simpleness
definition: freedom from constraint or embarrassment
example: I am never at ease with strangers
speech part: noun
synonyms: informality
definition: the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)
speech part: noun
synonyms: relief
definition: a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state
example: a life of luxury and ease
speech part: noun
synonyms: comfort

How ease is being used?