
definition: without effort, easily
example: I completed the test easy.
speech part: adverb
synonyms: easily
definition: in a relaxed manner
speech part: adverb
synonyms: loosely
definition: without speed
example: I walked easy around the block.
speech part: adverb
synonyms: tardily
definition: obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally
example: There was some easy money to be had in pickpocketing.
speech part: adjective
definition: less in demand and therefore readily obtainable
example: Commodities are easy this quarter.
speech part: adjective
definition: casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
example: Their prudish cousins heard rumours that they were easy.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: loose light promiscuous sluttish wanton
definition: affording comfort
example: The soft light was easy on my eyes.
speech part: adjective
definition: posing no difficulty
example: Everyone thought the test was easy.
speech part: adjective
definition: free from worry or anxiety
example: Knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy.
speech part: adjective
definition: marked by moderate steepness
example: The hill was an easy climb.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: gentle
definition: having little impact
example: I gave my friend an easy pat on the shoulder.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: soft gentle
definition: not hurried or forced
example: I took an easy walk around the block.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: leisurely
definition: affording pleasure
example: I've been told I have easy good looks.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: pleasant
definition: in fortunate circumstances financially
example: I've got this round – I'm easy!
speech part: adjective
synonyms: prosperous
definition: readily exploited or tricked
example: I spotted an easy victim.
speech part: adjective
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