
definition: an imitation or repetition
example: the flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client's still life
speech part: noun
definition: a close parallel of a feeling, idea, style, and so on
example: Their contention contains more than an echo of Rousseau.
speech part: noun
definition: the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves
example: They could hear echoes of their own footsteps.
speech part: noun
synonyms: replication
definition: a reflected television or radio or radar beam
speech part: noun
definition: a reply that repeats what has just been said
speech part: noun
definition: to say again or imitate
example: followers echoing the cries of their leaders
speech part: verb
synonyms: repeat
definition: ring or echo with sound
speech part: verb
synonyms: ring reverberate resound
definition: call to mind
example: The words etched on the monument echoed John F. Kennedy.
speech part: verb
synonyms: recall evoke paint a picture suggest

How echo is being used?