
definition: lacking conviction or boldness or courage
example: faint heart ne'er won fair lady
speech part: adjective
synonyms: timid
definition: lacking clarity or distinctness
speech part: adjective
synonyms: shadowy dim vague wispy
definition: indistinctly understood or felt or perceived
example: a faint clue to the origin of the mystery
speech part: adjective
definition: deficient in magnitude
speech part: adjective
synonyms: weak
definition: lacking strength or vigor
example: damning with faint praise
speech part: adjective
synonyms: adynamic asthenic feeble debilitated enervated
definition: weak and likely to lose consciousness
example: suddenly felt faint from the pain
speech part: adjective
synonyms: light
definition: a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain
speech part: noun
synonyms: syncope swoon deliquium
definition: pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain
speech part: verb
synonyms: conk swoon pass out

How faint is being used?