
definition: in sports, dropping the ball
example: I was ridiculed for my fumble of the ball on the one yard line.
speech part: noun
synonyms: muff
definition: drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder
example: fumble a grounder
speech part: verb
definition: to handle clumsily
example: I fumbled the presentation – I didn't prepare enough.
speech part: verb
definition: to feel about uncertainly or blindly
example: I fumbled in the dark for the light switch.
speech part: verb
synonyms: grope
definition: to make one's way clumsily or blindly
example: I fumbled towards the door.
speech part: verb
synonyms: blunder
definition: make a mess of, destroy or ruin
speech part: verb
synonyms: bobble

How fumble is being used?