
definition: a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas
example: When I mixed the acid with the mystery substance toxic fumes were produced.
speech part: noun
synonyms: smoke
definition: to be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face
example: My shirt is wet due to my excessive fuming.
speech part: verb
synonyms: reek
definition: to be mad, angry, or furious
example: They fumed for hours after losing the baseball game.
speech part: verb
definition: to treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests
example: The exterminator wanted to fume my house to get rid of all the insects running around.
speech part: verb
synonyms: fumigate
definition: to emit a cloud of fine particles
example: The beaker is fuming as we speak.
speech part: verb
synonyms: smoke

How fume is being used?