
definition: a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport etc
example: The horse was just a hack, not a fancy show horse or racer, but it got me where I needed to go.
speech part: noun
definition: a horse kept for hire
example: I hired a hack for a ride in the country.
speech part: noun
definition: an old or over-worked horse
example: The tired old hack had earned its retirement to the pasture.
speech part: noun
synonyms: jade
definition: a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money
example: We got into a hack at the airport taxi stand.
speech part: noun
synonyms: cab taxi taxicab
definition: a tool such as a hoe, pick, or mattock used for breaking up the surface of the soil
example: I worked the hard soil of the new garden with a hack.
speech part: noun
definition: one who works hard at boring tasks
speech part: noun
synonyms: drudge hacker
definition: a mediocre and disdained writer
example: They're just a hack; none of their stories have any literary value at all.
speech part: noun
synonyms: hack writer literary hack
definition: a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends
example: The new mayor was nothing more than a hack.
speech part: noun
synonyms: machine politician ward-heeler political hack
definition: cough spasmodically
example: The patient with emphysema has been hacking all day.
speech part: verb
synonyms: whoop
definition: significantly cut up a manuscript
example: The editor hacked the story beyond recognition.
speech part: verb
synonyms: cut up
definition: fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
example: I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best.
speech part: verb
synonyms: hack on
definition: in soccer, to kick on the shins
example: Our team was awarded a penalty kick after the opposing defender hacked our striker.
speech part: verb
definition: kick on the arms
speech part: verb
definition: cut with a hacking tool
speech part: verb
synonyms: chop
definition: clear away by cutting
example: We hacked our way through the forest.
speech part: verb
definition: be able to manage or manage successfully
example: I can't hack it anymore.
speech part: verb
synonyms: cut
definition: to gain unauthorized access to a computer system by manipulating code; to crack
example: According to the logs, someone is trying to hack our database server.
speech part: verb
definition: to gain unauthorized access to an online account owned by a person or organization
example: I can't believe my account was hacked again -- isn't "12345" a strong password?
speech part: verb

How hack is being used?