
definition: a successful swing in a baseball game
example: The base runner came all the way home on Williams' hit.
speech part: noun
definition: a conspicuous success
example: That song was my first hit and marked the beginning of my career as a singer.
speech part: noun
synonyms: bang smash smasher strike
definition: the act of forcefully contacting one thing with another
example: repeated hitting raised a large bruise
speech part: noun
synonyms: striking hitting
definition: a counting term for an internet user viewing a web page
example: Yesterday our website got over 500 hits!
speech part: noun
definition: a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate
example: it has all the earmarks of a Mafia hit
speech part: noun
definition: a dose of an illicit drug
example: it's not a good idea to take your first hit of heroin
speech part: noun
definition: to pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to
example: They tried to hit on patrons of the bar.
speech part: verb
definition: gain points in a game
speech part: verb
synonyms: score tally rack up
definition: make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike
definition: hit with a missile from a weapon
speech part: verb
synonyms: shoot pip
definition: to strike the intended target or goal
example: I hit the goal!
speech part: verb
definition: consume to excess
example: hit the bottle
speech part: verb
definition: affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely
example: We were hit by really bad weather
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike
definition: produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike
definition: hit against
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike impinge on run into collide with
definition: deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
example: I hit you hard in the face.
speech part: verb
definition: to cause to move by striking, moving it into a new location, either intended or not
example: I hit a ball into the backyard.
speech part: verb
definition: reach a point in time, or a certain state or level
example: The thermometer hit 100 degrees
speech part: verb
synonyms: reach
definition: reach a destination, either real or abstract
example: We hit Detroit by noon
speech part: verb
synonyms: make reach gain arrive at attain
definition: to drive something violently into a location
example: I hit my fist on the table to get the room's attention.
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike
definition: cause to experience suddenly
speech part: verb
synonyms: strike come to
definition: encounter by chance
speech part: verb
synonyms: stumble
definition: kill intentionally and with premeditation
speech part: verb
synonyms: dispatch murder off remove polish off slay bump off

How hit is being used?