
definition: an inclined surface connecting two levels
speech part: noun
synonyms: ramp
definition: an elevated geological formation
speech part: noun
synonyms: side slope
definition: make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief
example: Their language inclines us to believe them
speech part: verb
synonyms: dispose
definition: feel favorably disposed or willing
example: I am inclined to let you get away with this minor offence.
speech part: verb
definition: be at an angle
speech part: verb
synonyms: pitch
definition: lower or bend the head or upper body, as in a nod or bow
example: They inclined their head to the student.
speech part: verb
definition: bend or turn one's ear towards a speaker in order to listen well
example: They inclined their ear to the wise old man.
speech part: verb
definition: have a tendency or disposition to do or be something
example: be inclined
speech part: verb
synonyms: run

How incline is being used?