
definition: mutual interaction
speech part: noun
synonyms: reciprocation give-and-take
definition: reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money, especially the currencies of different countries
example: Before the introduction of the Euro, many European companies had to deal with complex interchange rules.
speech part: noun
synonyms: exchange
definition: the act of changing one thing for another thing
speech part: noun
synonyms: exchange
definition: a junction of highways on different levels that permits traffic to move from one to another without crossing traffic streams
speech part: noun
definition: reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
speech part: verb
synonyms: switch tack flip-flop flip
definition: cause to change places
example: interchange this screw for one of a smaller size
speech part: verb
synonyms: transpose
definition: give to, and receive from, one another
speech part: verb
synonyms: exchange change
definition: put in the place of another
speech part: verb
synonyms: substitute exchange replace

How interchange is being used?