
definition: the act of losing someone or something
example: Everyone expected the team to win so their loss was a shock.
speech part: noun
definition: the disadvantage that results from losing something
example: Their loss of credibility led to their resignation.
speech part: noun
synonyms: deprivation
definition: the experience of losing a loved one
example: I sympathized on the loss of their grandfather.
speech part: noun
definition: euphemistic expressions for death
speech part: noun
synonyms: exit
definition: military personnel lost by death or capture
speech part: noun
synonyms: personnel casualty
definition: the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue
example: the company operated at a loss last year
speech part: noun
synonyms: red red ink
definition: something that is lost
example: the car was a total loss
speech part: noun
definition: gradual decline in amount or activity
example: weight loss
speech part: noun
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