
definition: (degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely
example: much the same thing happened every time
speech part: adverb
synonyms: practically
definition: very, particularly
example: I was much annoyed by the subpar performance.
speech part: adverb
synonyms: most
definition: to a great degree or extent
example: she's much better now
speech part: adverb
definition: to a very great degree or extent
speech part: adverb
synonyms: a lot lots a good deal a great deal
definition: frequently or in great quantities
example: I don't drink much
speech part: adverb
synonyms: often a great deal
definition: a great amount or extent
example: they did much for humanity
speech part: noun
definition: (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent
speech part: adjective

How much is being used?