
definition: existing in name only
example: The minister is nominal head of their party, but the real power lies elsewhere.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: titular
definition: named
speech part: adjective
synonyms: nominative
definition: insignificantly small
speech part: adjective
synonyms: token tokenish
definition: of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation
example: the nominal GDP
speech part: adjective
definition: pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun
example: nominal phrase
speech part: adjective
definition: relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name
example: the Russian system of nominal brevity
speech part: adjective
definition: a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
speech part: noun
synonyms: noun phrase nominal phrase

nominal is explained and pronounced

How nominal is being used?