
definition: a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes
speech part: noun
synonyms: bill
definition: the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
example: the view from the peak was magnificent
speech part: noun
synonyms: crest
definition: the highest point (of something)
example: at the peak of the pyramid
speech part: noun
synonyms: apex acme
definition: the most extreme possible amount or value
example: voltage peak
speech part: noun
synonyms: extremum
definition: a V shape
speech part: noun
synonyms: point tip
definition: the highest level or degree attainable
speech part: noun
synonyms: elevation
definition: the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
speech part: noun
synonyms: flush
definition: to reach the highest point
speech part: verb
synonyms: top out

How peak is being used?