
definition: an annoyance
example: those children are a damn plague
speech part: noun
definition: any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)
speech part: noun
definition: a swarm of insects that attack plants
example: a plague of grasshoppers
speech part: noun
synonyms: infestation
definition: any epidemic disease with a high death rate
speech part: noun
synonyms: pest
definition: a serious, sometimes fatal, infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal
example: Millions of people died in the plague outbreaks of the middle ages.
speech part: noun
synonyms: pest
definition: annoy continually or chronically
speech part: verb
synonyms: hassle
definition: cause to suffer a blight
speech part: verb
synonyms: blight

How plague is being used?