
definition: payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence
example: Every store in the neighborhood had to pay them protection.
speech part: noun
synonyms: tribute
definition: the activity of protecting someone or something
example: the witnesses demanded police protection
speech part: noun
definition: in trade, the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition
example: They made trade protection a plank in the party platform.
speech part: noun
synonyms: trade protection
definition: kindly endorsement and guidance
speech part: noun
synonyms: auspices aegis
definition: a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
example: they had no protection from the fallout
speech part: noun
synonyms: protective covering protective cover
definition: defense against financial failure
speech part: noun
synonyms: security
definition: the condition of being protected
example: they were huddled together for protection
speech part: noun
synonyms: shelter
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