
definition: a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity)
example: I built a birdhouse in shop
speech part: noun
synonyms: shop class
definition: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services
example: They bought it at a shop on the beach.
speech part: noun
synonyms: store
definition: small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done
speech part: noun
synonyms: workshop
definition: give away information about somebody
speech part: verb
synonyms: rat stag grass shit snitch tell on denounce betray give away
definition: do one's shopping
example: I shop every Friday when there are good deals to be had.
speech part: verb
definition: shop around
speech part: verb
definition: do one's shopping at
speech part: verb
synonyms: frequent sponsor patronize patronise shop at buy at

How shop is being used?