
definition: a stifling cloud of smoke
speech part: noun
definition: a confused multitude of things
speech part: noun
synonyms: jumble
definition: conceal or hide
example: smother a yawn
speech part: verb
synonyms: stifle
definition: envelop completely
example: smother the meat in gravy
speech part: verb
synonyms: surround
definition: deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion
example: smother fires
speech part: verb
synonyms: put out
definition: deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing
example: Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow
speech part: verb
synonyms: suffocate asphyxiate
definition: form an impenetrable cover over
example: the butter cream smothered the cake
speech part: verb

smother is explained and pronounced

How smother is being used?