
definition: the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others
example: The experience destroyed their trust.
speech part: noun
synonyms: trustingness trustfulness
definition: certainty based on past experience
speech part: noun
synonyms: reliance
definition: complete confidence in a person or plan etc
speech part: noun
synonyms: faith
definition: a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service
example: they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly
speech part: noun
synonyms: combine
definition: something such as property held by one party, the trustee, for the benefit of another, the beneficiary
example: I wish I was the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by my parents.
speech part: noun
definition: a trustful relationship
speech part: noun
synonyms: confidence
definition: have confidence or faith in
example: We can trust in God
speech part: verb
synonyms: bank
definition: be confident about something
speech part: verb
synonyms: believe
definition: expect and wish
example: I trust you will behave better from now on
speech part: verb
synonyms: hope
definition: extend credit to
example: don't trust my ex-wife
speech part: verb
definition: confer a trust upon
example: The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret
speech part: verb
synonyms: commit confide entrust intrust
definition: allow without fear
speech part: verb

How trust is being used?