
definition: in a state of sexual virginity; see discussion of noun meaning
example: Segregated housing was, in part, an effort to keep the students virgin.
speech part: adjective
synonyms: pure
definition: being used or worked for the first time
example: We bought some virgin wool to make a sweater out of.
speech part: adjective
definition: a person who has never had sexual intercourse; what defines sexual intercourse in this context varies widely in interpretation from person to person, and situation to situation; various factors include gender of participants, level of consent of participants, physical configuration, having reached orgasm or not, and other elements that might lead one to believe one is a virgin or not
example: I'm not sure if I'm a virgin or not.
speech part: noun
definition: being unaffected by human intervention; natural
example: The virgin spring water was wonderful to drink.
speech part: adjective
definition: being unaffected by human intervention; natural
example: The virgin spring water was wonderful to drink.
speech part: adjective

How virgin is being used?