
definition: involving the entire earth
speech part: adjective
synonyms: worldwide
definition: all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
example: all the world loves a lover
speech part: noun
synonyms: man
definition: the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife
example: they consider the church to be independent of the world
speech part: noun
synonyms: earth worldly concern earthly concern
definition: all of one's experiences that determine how things appear
example: The child's world was shattered on the discovery that Santa wasn't real.
speech part: noun
synonyms: reality
definition: people in general
speech part: noun
synonyms: domain
definition: people in general considered as a whole
speech part: noun
synonyms: public
definition: the 3rd planet from the sun
speech part: noun
synonyms: globe earth
definition: everything that exists anywhere
speech part: noun
synonyms: creation
definition: a part of the earth that can be considered separately
example: the outdoor world
speech part: noun

How world is being used?