
definition: a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt
speech part: noun
synonyms: spanner
definition: a jerky pulling movement
speech part: noun
synonyms: twist
definition: a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments
example: The wrench to me knee occurred as I fell.
speech part: noun
synonyms: pull
definition: twist suddenly so as to sprain
example: wrench one's ankle
speech part: verb
synonyms: twist
definition: twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish
speech part: verb
synonyms: wring
definition: twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates
example: wrench a window off its hinges
speech part: verb
synonyms: twist
definition: make a sudden twisting motion
speech part: verb

How wrench is being used?